Hi! I’m Candy Miles-Crocker, The Real-Life Realtor.

Just like you, I’m an Active Realtor.
I know the frustration you face when your clients aren’t responding to your calls and emails. Or worse, when you don’t have any prospects in your pipeline. It’s scary and discouraging.
Having gone through those situations and more over my 21-year career, I’ve developed the Real-Life Real Estate Training program to teach you how to build your business to weather any market conditions.
So, how did this real estate training company get started?
I think it all started being the only girl among five children. People think being the only girl is fabulous, but my brothers treated me like a brother…and frankly, so did my parents. I was fine with it because I didn’t know any different. What I will say is that it made me a tough girl. Not tough in a negative way, but in a no nonsense way.
My parents raised us to have strong work ethic and a “You can do anything if you put your mind to it” attitude. Strangely enough, I believed them and thought I COULD do anything.
As a result, I was the first in my family to leave sunny Southern California. I moved to Washington, DC after graduating from the University of Southern California, having worked for three years at Grey Advertising in Los Angeles.

I’m Ready For a Challenge!
You could say that I had a dream life, but I wanted more of a “challenge”, hence the move. I said I would only be gone a couple of years, but it’s been quite a bit more than that. I met my husband in DC and we have three pretty awesome children. Those children are the reason I became a Realtor.
After working a decade at one of the top radio stations in Washington, DC I decided I didn’t want to travel as much because I wanted to spend more time with my children. At the suggestion of my husband I took the real estate class and the rest as they say is history.
What I didn’t know when I took the real estate class is how hard it was to become a successful Realtor. Most Realtors fail within five years. Eeek!!! Failure wasn’t an option for me.
I ended my first year with 14 transactions and was “Rookie of the Year” in my office. Although that was good, I knew I could do better.
It took me almost five years to figure out what systems I needed to organize my business and to keep me from thinking I forgot to do something. That was about the same time I was asked to start training the new agents in our office. That’s when I learned that I not only loved working with buyers and sellers, but I loved seeing agents succeed. Not only did they succeed, but they were using my systems, strategies and scripts to succeed.
Why I Created the Real-Life Real Estate Training Courses
With that success under my belt I developed the Real-Life Real Estate Training courses.
My goal was to help every new agent achieve their goals and feel successful. I want them to know that you don’t have to live with stress, fear and anxiety. Being a Realtor was a job, but it’s a fun job or least it’s supposed to be fun.
In 2016, Inman News named me one of the Top 25 Real Estate coaches in the United States.
I have also had the opportunity to speak several times at the Inman Connect conference in New York City and San Francisco.
With the Real-Life Real Estate Training courses, I want you to learn from my experience, so you don’t have to waste time figuring out how to prospect, how to negotiate with the seller and the listing agent, how to grow your online brand, and so much more!

What’s Makes the “Real-Life” Different?
There are two things that make the Real-Life Real Estate Training classes different than most other real estate courses.
First, they are taught by me. An ACTIVE Realtor. I hold an Associate Broker license in Washington, DC and Virginia and I hold a salespersons license in Maryland.
Second, not only do I give you the “what” to do, but “HOW” to do it. I will walk you through the real estate transaction step-by-step, so you can build your confidence and grow your business.
With seven essential real estate classes, 75+ templates and numerous case studies, you will have my 21 years of experience in just a few hours.
You’ll have all the tools you need to become a successful real estate agent – right at your fingertips. And, because the Real-Life Real Estate training classes are online, it allows you to get the training you need…anytime you need it, wherever you need it.
I’m Here to Help You Succeed
If you’re not ready to sign up for my real estate classes, you can get plenty of helpful tips and strategies from the blog. I cover all things real estate. More specifically, how you can improve the way you do business. Sign up is easy. Just click on the “Subscribe” button on your right and my blog will be delivered to your inbox every other Thursday.
I hope you find the content helpful. If there are topics you would like for me to cover simply email me at Candy@RLRETraining.com. I look forward to hearing from you.