When I say there are 3 ways to help real estate agents work smarter, I’m not speaking about simply using your smartphone or other Internet tools to make your life easier.
While those are extremely helpful tools, I’m talking about how to make better use of your time…something most of us have more of since we’re not driving as much.
Let’s take a look at the 3 ways you can work smarter and have more time in your day.
Qualifying Clients
Too many times real estate agents are what I call, “happy to be there.”
They are so excited to get a client, they skip one of the most important aspects of the job. Qualifying a client.
To work smarter, make sure you have a pre-approval letter from the buyer BEFORE you take them out to see property.
There are a couple of reasons you don’t want to skip this step.
First, you want to make sure they have the financial ability to purchase a house. Any house.
Second, you need to know how much house they can afford.
The last thing you want to do is show them houses, they fall in love with one and you then learn, they can’t afford.
Not only has everyone wasted time, you will now spend the next few months trying to find the house of their dreams, at a lower price point.
Before making appointments to show property, have your clients speak with a lender to determine how much house they can afford.
Group Your Showings
This is one of my favorite tips.
Grouping your showings frees up a lot of your time if you plan it correctly.
If you have several buyers wanting to see properties, try to group them back-to-back on the same day.
If possible give each client 2-3 hours each. Doing this will make more efficient use of your time.
Of course you can’t do this with your first showings with a buyer since you will be showing so many properties, but on subsequent showings give it a try.
This method works extremely well when you have a rental listing.
When you receive calls from prospective tenants, let them know when you will be at the property and have them come in the same block of time.
It may make for one very busy day, but it’s better than having 3 chopped up days.
Put Systems In Place
This should go without saying, but because most agents don’t do the work, I have to say it.
Everything in your business should be systematized.
Anything you do in your business more than two times, you need to have a system for it.
Those systems should include everything from how you prospect to how you present to a new buyer to how to process a ratified contract.
Having written systems in place frees up your brain so you don’t have to wonder it you forgot to do something important that could cost your client thousands of dollars.
Creating systems in your business will allow you to bring in an assistant without totally disrupting your business.
Write up systems for your business today, because when you get busy…well you know what happens.
They never get done.
Work Smarter, Not Harder
If you are looking to grow your business you have to work smart.
Time is your most valuable commodity and once it’s gone, it’s gone.
Make the best use of your time by getting your buyer pre-approved, group your showings and getting systems in place.
As your business grows you don’t have to worker harder, just smarter.
Be prosperous!
Are you stressed and frustrated at trying to figure out everything on your own and still failing to get business?
Sign up today for my Free Email Course, Your Road Map to Success in Real Estate. Start building your real estate business on a solid foundation. Click here to get started.
Don’t think you need help?
- You don’t know what to do to make something happen…how to get clients
- Your afraid of making a mistake
- If you don’t start making money pretty soon, you’ll have to get a “regular” job
Is this you? Get more control over your business and less chaos. I know how you feel. I know you’ve been burned and disappointed by programs that promised you results before.
So have I.
The majority of my clients come to me because other companies didn’t deliver.
There is NO secret to success in real estate or in life.
Sign up for my FREE email course, Your Road Map to Success in Real Estate to start building your real estate business on a solid foundation. Click here to get started!

To learn what it takes to be a successful real estate agent or to get your real estate business back on track, check out Candy’s new book,
“The Reality of Real Estate – The Essential Guide to Planning, Managing and Growing Your Real Estate Business.” Available on Amazon now! Candy, “The Real-Life Realtor”, coaches, mentors and trains new and experienced real estate agents to transform their business by mastering her proven systems for success.
Inman News named Candy Miles-Crocker as one of the Top 25 Real Estate coaches in the United States.
She is a firm believer in managing expectations. Her goal is to elevate the perception of real estate agents among the general public through education so every client has an amazing real estate experience.
Candy’s unique training methods have shown agents what it takes to be successful!
Learn more about her training program at www.RLRETraining.com or send her an email at Candy@RLRETraining.com.
If you haven’t done so already, please connect with us on Twitter on Facebook, and LinkedIn.
Let’s Go to Work!

As an active Realtor licensed in three jurisdictions, I approach real estate training from a different perspective. With over 18 years in the real estate business, I teach agents what it’s really like to be a real estate agent.