We are now in a new era. An era of video conferencing. The era of Zoom.
Zoom as been around for years, but for many people it’s a new entity. Zoom has now become our go to for business meetings and personal gatherings.
How we come across in our personal gatherings isn’t important, however we do need to think about how we come across when it comes to our professional video meetings.
Like anything new, there is a learning curve as we master the new technology.
Without the aid of in-person cues, you want to make sure you come across as professional, even when the medium may seem a little more relaxed.
Let’s talk about Zoom etiquette. You may not have known that there was such a thing as Zoom etiquette, but there is…at least in my world.
Mute Yourself
First and foremost, mute yourself immediately.
People can hear everything you are doing. I’ve heard children nagging, dishes clattering and music playing.
For the sake of everyone on the call, mute yourself. If you are the host, you can mute everyone in attendance at the beginning of the meeting.
No Eating Please
If you have to eat on the call, switch over to audio only.
No one wants to see you taking that big bite of your sandwich and chewing. It’s not professional and it’s distracting.
What Are You Wearing?
Just because you are having a meeting remotely doesn’t mean you can show up looking any kind of way. Remember, we can still see you.
Depending on who you are meeting with should determine how you dress. There will be some meetings where you need to dress as though you are going to an in-person meeting. Other meetings may be more casual.
However, none are casual enough for you to show up looking sloppy.
Know When to Stop Talking
In person you can read a person’s body language or make eye contact and know when you’ve lost your audience, not the case with Zoom.
With Zoom you don’t have those cues that let you know that you’ve made your point and people understand you.
Be succinct, stay on topic, make your point and then mute yourself.
Good Lighting
Not so much as etiquette, but important to note.
Sitting with windows behind you is not a good look, literally. No one will be able to see your face.
Before getting on your meeting call, test out a few spaces if you are unsure as to what will look the best.
You might also want to consider putting a few books under your laptop so the camera catches you at the right height.
Be a Good Host
Hosting a Zoom meeting is a learned skill set. Have a written agenda and email it to all of the participants ahead of time.
It’s not easy to control a meeting when anyone can speak at anytime without giving you a clue.
As the host you need to know when to cut in to keep the discussion on topic.
The host is also the time keeper. Just because you are holding a meeting remotely, doesn’t mean it should drag on forever. Have a start and end time and respect peoples’ time. When the last point has been made, end the meeting.
Ending teleconferencing calls can often feel awkward, know what you are going to say to end the meeting in advance. A simple, “Thank you everyone,” is a good start.
Did I miss anything?
Feel free to email me at Candy@RLRETraining.com or make a comment below. Be prosperous!
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To learn what it takes to be a successful real estate agent or to get your real estate business back on track, check out Candy’s new book,
“The Reality of Real Estate – The Essential Guide to Planning, Managing and Growing Your Real Estate Business.” Available on Amazon now! Candy, “The Real-Life Realtor”, coaches, mentors and trains new and experienced real estate agents to transform their business by mastering her proven systems for success.
Inman News named Candy Miles-Crocker as one of the Top 25 Real Estate coaches in the United States.
She is a firm believer in managing expectations. Her goal is to elevate the perception of real estate agents among the general public through education so every client has an amazing real estate experience.
Candy’s unique training methods have shown agents what it takes to be successful!
Learn more about her training program at www.RLRETraining.com or send her an email at Candy@RLRETraining.com.
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Let’s Go to Work!

As an active Realtor licensed in three jurisdictions, I approach real estate training from a different perspective. With over 18 years in the real estate business, I teach agents what it’s really like to be a real estate agent.