Now more than ever is the time to strengthen your relationships. Relationships with clients, friends and family.
On a good day, being a Realtor can be very isolating, but in these challenging times, the isolation is magnified. Very little interaction with our clients and co-workers. Sure we have Zoom, but it’s not the same.
Let’s Reconnect
In lieu of in-person meetings, coffees and lunches, how about reconnecting the old fashioned way.
But wait, this could feel a bit awkward.
How many times have you been embarrassed to call someone because it had been months or years since you last spoke?
Don’t worry, you are not alone. This is an area where many agents struggle. They have the best intentions of following up, but life gets in the way and the follow up never happens.
But this moment in time, is a wonderful opportunity for you to reach out and strengthen the relationships with those you love and care about. Here’s how.
Write a Personal Note or Two
Think about it. What do most people get in the mail?
Two things. Either a bill to pay or junk mail.
But what if you could make them look forward to getting mail?
The simple act of sending a handwritten note to someone is almost magical. I haven’t met a single soul who doesn’t like receiving one.
If you don’t know what to say, start with, “Hi Candy, I wanted to check in to see how you were doing .” You can go on from there. You can make the note as personal or generic as you wish.
The key is to write the note and don’t say a word about real estate.
Go through your entire contact list and write each person a note.
I guarantee, you’ll make everyone’s day.
Make Phone Calls
Making phone calls sounds basic, but how often do you make with and with what consistency?
In the past we relied heavily on email and text, but now is the time for a more personal touch.
Your friends, family, colleagues and past clients will be happy to hear from you.
You can make the phone call and then follow up with a handwritten note and make it a double header!
Take Online Offline
You are probably finding that you’re spending more time online.
You are not alone.
So many people are spending an extraordinary amount of time online. You can use this increase online time to your advantage.
When a friend makes a post, it’s great to comment online, but what’s really awesome is to follow up that comment with a personal note, birthday card or anniversary card.
People understand that it takes time and thought to get a card, write the card and actually mail the card.
That’s what makes it so special.
Show That You Care
Let people know that you are paying attention to them and that you care about them.
Technology is wonderful, but sometimes the personal touch is necessary.
It’s one of the best ways to strengthening your relationships.
What other ways have you found to strengthen your relationships? Let me know in the comments below or email me at Candy@RLRETraining.com.
I can’t wait to hear from you!
Be prosperous!
Aren’t you tired of trying to figure out everything on your own and failing?
Sign up today for my Free Email Course, Your Road Map to Success in Real Estate. Start building your real estate business on a solid foundation. Click here to get started.
Don’t think you need help?
- You don’t know what to do to make something happen
- Your afraid of making a mistake
- If you don’t start making money pretty soon, you’ll have to get a “regular” job
Is this you? Get more control over your business and less chaos. I know how you feel. I know you’ve been burned and disappointed by programs that promised you results before. So have I. The majority of my clients come to me because other companies didn’t deliver. There is NO secret to success in real estate or in life. Sign up for my FREE email course, Your Road Map to Success in Real Estate to start building your real estate business on a solid foundation. Click here to get started!

To learn what it takes to be a successful real estate agent or to get your real estate business back on track, check out Candy’s new book,
“The Reality of Real Estate – The Essential Guide to Planning, Managing and Growing Your Real Estate Business.” Available on Amazon now! Candy, “The Real-Life Realtor”, coaches, mentors and trains new and experienced real estate agents to transform their business by mastering her proven systems for success.
Inman News named Candy Miles-Crocker as one of the Top 25 Real Estate coaches in the United States.
She is a firm believer in managing expectations. Her goal is to elevate the perception of real estate agents among the general public through education so every client has an amazing real estate experience. Candy’s unique training methods have shown agents what it takes to be successful! Learn more about her training program at www.RLRETraining.com or send her an email at Candy@RLRETraining.com. If you haven’t done so already, please connect with us on Twitter on Facebook, and LinkedIn.
Let’s Go to Work!

As an active Realtor licensed in three jurisdictions, I approach real estate training from a different perspective. With over 18 years in the real estate business, I teach agents what it’s really like to be a real estate agent.